Selasa, 26 April 2011

This is Indonesia, with million thousand islands and million thousand culture too, too many culture, so, we will explain just some culture from Sabang to Merauke.

Senin, 25 April 2011

Helloo guys! my name is Tania Safira Rosalinda, I'm from Indonesia, I was born in Subang, 27 July 1997. I love my parents, my mom is Tanti Roslianti, and my father is Mugia Nugraha, and Tania = Tanti + Mugia right? hahaha. I have only one little sister, her name is Elvina Laksmi Kharunisa, she was born in Subang, 7 february 2000, I think she is a little bit naughty. And like you see here, I love writing, reading, photography, swimming, and playing music! yeah, music is the best. Do you like music too? I love to play some musical instruments, such as violin, piano, guitar, bass, do you know angklung? the tradisional musical instrument from Indonesia. My favorite color are blue and purple, what's yours? Now, I'm study at SMPN 1 Subang, great school, great teachers, and great students too! I love cat, because I think it's so cute, and I  have two cats at home. Okay, I think I have been write too long, sorry.

Kamis, 14 April 2011

Hi, My name is Rasya Salma Irawan. I was born in Bandung, February 11th 1997 and I'm the third child. My Father is Dikdik Irawan and my mother is Rika Ratnasari. I have a brother and sister, they are Rasyid and Riva. I'm from Junior High School 1 Subang. I like swimming, drawing,watching movies and read. My favorite book is comic. My favorit pet is cat because its very very cute.

Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

My name is Annisa Nurjanah. I was born in Subang, June 20th, 1996. I'm from Junior High School 1 Subang, West Java. I'm 9th grade.
My father's name is Abdul Hayi and My mother's name is Rahmi Liliana Fauziah. I'm the third child. I have 2 daughters and a brother.My first sister name is Norma and the Second one is Sarah, and then my little brother Ibrahim.
I like reading, laughing, traveling, and cooking. These are the things that almost I always do. and do you know? I sometimes do for 'treat' my friends.. I'm rather sneaky.. hihihiii
nice thanx ^^ 

Rabu, 02 Maret 2011